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Three Daily Living Aids That Could Help When You’re Out and About

Elderly group walking in a park

May is known as National Walking Month across the UK. It is not only a reminder that 7 million Brits live with heart and circulatory disease, but it is a month of encouragement for us all to try and take care of ourselves that bit more, even if it just means getting out and walking around your local park once or twice a week.

For those who aren’t very active currently, we’re not suggesting that you should sign up for your first 10k run – but gradually increasing the distance or frequency of when you walk could do wonders for your health.

According to the NHS, people over the age of 65 are recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activities a week, including going for a walk, as it raises your heart rate, helps you breathe faster and keeps you warm. For those under the age of 65, it’s recommended that adults do some type of physical activity every day.

For your benefit, we’ve selected 3 products from the Manage At Home Website that could help you in your effort to get out and about that bit easier:

Flexyfoot Shock Absorbing Ferrule

If you happen to need a walking stick or crutches to walk, this ferrule could be a game-changer.

Featuring a unique design that provides 50% more grip and traction than a traditional ferrule, the Flexyfoot Shock Absorber is ideal for when you’re on uneven walking surfaces such as canal side-paths or cobblestone roads. The bellows help reduce pain and discomfort by absorbing shock and impact, making your journey that much smoother underfoot.

Adjustable Walking Stick/Seat

If you’re partial to a break mid-walk and the nearest bench is occupied, the Adustable Walking Stick/Seat by Drive Devilbiss could save you from having to power through the pain to the next available seat.

Take the weight off your feet by converting the walking stick onto a seat in one easy motion. Ideal if you’re an avid sports fan, you can enjoy watching your local cricket team or seeing friends at the bowling green with this handy mobility aid.

Lightweight Aluminium 4 Wheel Rollator

The perfect assistant for everyday use, the Lightweight Aluminium 4 Rollator is easy to use and will not let you down. Featuring a lightweight frame and sturdy wheels, it offers users to move freely with less effort, enabling you to glide over most surfaces.

Perfect for taking to the shops or bringing a picnic to the park, the Rollator boasts a handy shopping bag and a sturdy built-in seat.

To enquire about one of the products featured in this blog post, or to find out about what else is out there that can help you retain your independence, please visit our website at or get in touch with a member of our amazing customer service team on 0800 910 1864

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