Here at Manage At Home, we’ve been working hard to make worthwhile additions to our range of products. From well-priced new brands ready for spring to growing our ranges from existing suppliers, we’ve added several new products that can help you stay independent for longer.
New Brands: Spring 2022

Flexyfoot aims to transform the walking aid sector by offering real solutions to the problems faced by those who need a stick or crutch to stay mobile. Stylish and supportive, Flexyfoot products are designed with proven medical and therapeutic benefits to giving safe and flexible support to those who need it. Offering a range of products, from carbon fibre folding crutches to shock absorbing ferrules, Flexyfoot is the future of the walking aid market and a great new brand, ready for spring.
Buckingham Healthcare
Established in 2001, British based Buckingham Healthcare are an innovative designer and manufacturer of aids to daily living and healthcare-related products founded by Occupational Therapist, Chris Buckingham. Supported by a team with a combined total of 35 years of nursing and occupational therapy experience, Buckingham Healthcare genuinely cares about quality.
From toilet tissue aids for helping you out in the bathroom to the Buckingham Caddy that can help you carry things room to room, Buckingham Healthcare offers many solutions to what become daily problems.
New Reviewer Programme
Recently, we released our first ever Reviewers programme, intending to improve our understanding of what customers want from their ideal product.
Until the end of April, we will be looking for volunteers to help us learn more about our existing stock on the Manage At Home website..
Check out our advert to see if you qualify!
Also, check out the latest review from Tara (RararsAdventures), the first to join our team and receive products to review.
Activities of the Month
Gardening & Visiting local landmarks

Get back out in the garden and celebrate that spring has finally sprung after a long winter! Even though recent weather has been particularly troublesome, there is no reason to not plan ahead. Why not get yourself prepared for when the sun finally does come out! With the PETA Easi-Grip outdoor range, you can have your garden visitor ready in no time! Specially designed ergonomic angled handles keep your hands and wrists in their most natural position, relieving wrist and hand strain. This means no more nasty wrist cramps after an afternoon tending to those blossoming flower beds.

Recently, I have seen more people than ever out and about at the local landmarks near my home. Varying from dog walkers on the bridle path next to the canal to families walking around the park and sightseers taking in the views at my local hiking spot. At each of these locations, I’ve seen more daily living aids than ever before. Rollators have nearly run over my feet in recent weeks as I dodge and weave between them and people with sport crutches or walking sticks on the other. Thinking about it, it does tell me one thing – we are all ready to get back out there and enjoy what is around us, even if we need a little help.
Are you planning to go out with your new walking aid and get to gardening this spring? Let us know by sending us your garden and walking pictures to @ManageAtHome on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #MAHSpring!
On behalf of Manage At Home, we truly hope you enjoy your April and have a happy Spring 2022!