The Benefits of Walking

Did you know that over 30 chronic conditions are currently commonly associated with excessive sitting or lack of exercise?

Walking daily, even if it’s just for a short period of time can change your life. whether it’s when you’re around the house, popping to the shop or having a wander around the local park with a friend, the long term health benefits could be substantial.

There are numerous health benefits attributed to walking, including:

  • Improved fitness & weight loss
  • Flexibility
  • Strengthening your heart and bones
  • Improving your mental health
  • Reducing the risk of dementia
  • reducing general pain
  • Lowering blood sugar levels
  • Boosting your immune system

What can help you get started?


Ideal for starting your new fitness regime, a rollator can help with balance and support when walking, offer you somewhere to sit when you need a break and often comes with a handy bag attached for anything you need to take with you on the go.

Riser Recliner Chairs

If struggling to get up and get going, then this aid could help you. With just a push of a button, the chair will mechanically rise, making it easier for you to stand, meaning you can be on your way quicker and easier than before.


It is vital to keep hydrated when exercising, especially for those walks on a hot summer day, making this device perfect for on the go. Easily attachable to a rollator, triwalker or wheelchair, the Hydrant can help you drink your water on the go without having to carry around a heavy water bottle.


If you choose to do your daily walk to and from the shops, a triwalker could be ideal. Lightweight and easy to fold away, triwalkers are good for manoeuvring through crowded shops. Triwalkers often come with a handy, decent sized hold-all for you to pop your shopping in for the walk home.

Walking Sticks & Walking Frames

Walking sticks and frames provide helpful support when walking indoors and outdoors, redistributing weight to the arms. This helps to ease pressure on your legs, reducing fatigue. Lightweight, and simple to use, these walking aids are often helpful for people who are rehabilitating when recovering for an injury or operation.

Things to know before you get started

  • Talk to your GP about how much / what level of exercise is going to be right for you.
  • Consider gradual exercise, starting light and only doing more when you feel it’s right for you.
  • Make sure you have a pair of comfortable, supportive shoes or trainers.
  • Try and get a friend to join you to make exercising safer, more fun and gives you a good reason to commit to your fitness regime.

DISCLAIMER: No articles on this website have been written by practicing industry professionals unless stated otherwise. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of a product for your needs, you are advised to consult with a qualified clinical professional before purchasing.